i am learning the basics.......!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Multiple Stage Fragmentation

Hi.., we had a discussion on how multiple stage fragmentation works..

First question was:1. where does the re-assembly of fragmented packets occur ?
Consider communication btw Device A and Device B. The IP Datagram is 12000bytes. The first link has a MTU 3300 bytes, the second link has MTU 1300 bytes and the third and final link has MTU 1300 bytes.
When the packet goes thru the first link it is fragmented to 3300 bytes, and the fragmented packets are again fragmented to 1300 bytes while passing through second link. Although the third link has MTU 3300 bytes, it is not assembled back. It is re-assembled only at the receiver Device B.
2. How does the re-assembly occurs at the receiving end ?
Every datagram whether fragmented or not is given an Identification number by the Source of the datagram - in this case Device A. This is a random number. The fragments of the datagram are identified using this number- as it is unique. Even if multiple fragmentation occurs this identification number does not change. So Device B can identify all fragments of a datagram using this.
Also where the fragments fit in is specified using "offset field" and not with an "index number". So the receiving end has no problem in assembling the packets.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

RSA SecurId - two factor authentication

Currently working on RSA SecurId Authentication.

RSA SecurId is a popular two factor authentication mechanism.

For successful authentication, not only you need what you KNOW ( say a PASSWORD), but also what you HAVE ( a SecurId device which generates TOKEN every 60s).

The TOKEN is generated by Device and also RSA Server from the TIME and also the SEED ( say a Unique number for that Device Serial Number)

Monday, January 01, 2007


This link "Why SOCKS?" has the answer>

Just wanted to comment on the "Application-independent proxy" aspect. Once SOCKS client gets authenticated with SOCKS Proxy Server, and communication channel is established it can relay any Application data type. No extra code is required.

This is because SOCKS client works between Application layer and Transport layer, and it does not do anything which is application specific. Based on the encryption and encapsulation techniques selected, it will encode the data and send accordingly!

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